West Java Batik Inderamayo Region : CODASHOP
West Java Batik Inderamayo Region : CODASHOP

West Java Batik Inderamayo Region : CODASHOP

Several types of Batik West Javani that refresh your eyes!

Western Java Batik is an irreplaceable Indonesian culture. How not, it is already recognized as a world cultural heritage. There is no doubt that Batik is capable of bringing Indonesia’s fragrant name to the world arena. For those of you who are not familiar with Batik. Batik is a scribbled work of art on canvas.

It has such a high value that every work has a meaning. So this is not done just by giving preference to a trends model. It already hasits own trademark to use it well ahead. However, young people have now begun to forget thisby wearingfamous Distro clothes.

The decline of this culture is a devastating blow that must be overcome. The mentality of Indonesians is still low, which makes it easier to provoke by outsiders. Even though he doesn’t want to wear a batik, but if he’s hospitalizedby Malaysia, a lot of angry people including you, right? The point is that as much as possible prevents culture from being charged.

One way to maintain it is to maintain it. Especially residents ofJáabar where there are many types of West Java batikavailable. You can wear it on official or informal occasions. Now there are many models of Batik clothing that can be combined with modern flavors. So it does not necessarily look outdated.

For those of you who are curious about the variety of options. We have some references with eye-refreshing nuances. There are actually many options, but we will list those that refresh the eyes. This is so that when wearing, the wearer can be the center of attention because itattracts the eye or is pleasing to the eye.

Megamendung Batik typical of West Java

For newlyweds who are going to make the wedding. Most parents will buy this type ofbatik. Gives meaning to fertility and gives life. Megamendung west javabatiklooks colorful with bright nuances. Such as red, blue, yellow, green, even pink. The origin of this motif is from a refusal in the central region.

The areas of the center of production are trusmic villages, sub-districts, palladies and the kingdom of Tsirbon. So what is themotive? Suitable for full-color color. Of course, the motives will not be far off. It is believed that this was made first on the territory near the ocean. The meaning that gives life is symbolized by the rain-bearing sea clouds.

This meaning is very suitable to describe the giver of life. Rain is capable of giving life to many organisms. Not only humans but other small organisms. So don’t be surprised if the cloud motif with the rain wrappers is there. For colorful color with such a motif, it clearly depicts a peaceful life.

With this kind of motive, the price on the market is absolutely not too expensive. It can be bought at the lowest price of 20 thousand at the cheapest price. It depends on the quality of the fabric and the complexity of the motif. But for ordinary people , the price of 20 thousand is good. Wearing it during official events is a great option.

West Java Batik in the Siamis Region

For this type ofBatik West Javani, it displays several motifs at once. There are actually many options but the most popular ones are from the Exile Kingdom. One of the victorious kingdoms in those days. Thanks to its popular motifs, it consists of shark stones, galloh pakoan and siung wanara.

Surely youoften hear ciung wanara if you visit the Bandung area and around. This motif is based on the history of the power struggle in Dera Siamis. King of Qiong Wanara fought for power to become one of the most influential monarchs there. Meanwhile, Galva Pakoan is taken from a king’s dagger.

More specifically the king of Galva during the reign of the kingdom of Siamis of that time. For the shark stone motif is taken from the holiday of Dara in Pangendran. A resort area that is likeyik stop by. gives rise to eccentric motives but still has a deep meaning. In addition, there are motives for the assimilation of Juja and solo people.

This motive is almost identical to that in his diasal. Relaxed impression with shades of white chocolate or dark chocolate. Retains the distinctive features that derive from it cities. Usually, the price of Ciamis Batik is still quite affordable. From tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands depending on the quality of production.

West Java Region Batik Chiangur

According to the region, Chiangor is a special agrarian region. The motifs presented are certainly agricultural nuances. For the first time since colonial times, many Indonesians at that time used it. If you look deeper, the motifs on display are inspired by agriculture. The green-yellow color with rice grains is clear proof of this.

With this kind of motive, the selling price is not too expensive. You can get it easily through offline and even online marketplaces. Now there are a lot of Batik sellers selling their wares online. At a price that will not be up to hundreds of thousands. You can buy at dozens or even parties at once.

Go deeper into one of themost popular batiks in West Java. Four motifs were actually presented, namely hard kapi, cross pankak, paddy, and hiyam plong. The rice motif certainly tells about its agricultural territory, while the villain tells about the state of the village.

Then for martial arts, it reflects the hereditary culture. With this characteristic, it certainly distinguishes it from other regions. There is also Hayam Pelung in which he tells about chickens from cianjur. A version that will refresh your eyes if you are bored with common options. Especially for the residents of Central and Eastern Java.

West Java Batik Inderamayo Region

For the fourth type that may be able  torefresh the eyes is indramayu which is one of the regions of West Java closeto nature. The preparation of craftsmen there was very inspiring with plants and HewaN. Its interesting motifs make it in great demand. The color pattern is also fresh because it uses a combination of natural fresh colors.

The craftsmen there were inspired by the way nature came together. Both humans, animals, and plants can unite into an ecosystem. This relationship can be interpreted more broadly. So it’s not just ecosystem relationships but smaller relationships. In essence, the motives of the Indermaio region indicate that life should be more harmonious.

Whether from family, society, village, city or even country. The emergence of a sense of separatism and uniqueness of importance to the group may be the result of many societies that have forgotten the culture. Culture is a remnant full of philosophy. So if underestimated, there will be a bad effect in the end for many people.

The selling price of this motif is classified as more expensive. With an impressive mix of many aspects. It will definitely give the impression of elegant luxury. You can buy it online and offline. But nowadays the Internet is much cheaper. Can save more on expenses without buying other things.

The minimum purchase price is 50 thousand. It depends on the supplier and the materials used. The duration of work is longer with more complex motives. It will definitely increase the selling price. If you are interested because it gives a refreshing motif to the eyes. Try to wear it on special occasions even highly recommended officially.

How does it still take so many other types of opinions? So far only the four types of motives as of this writing. Its popularity and beauty in the eyes. Make it included in the recommendations even if the selling price is not too high. Nevertheless, this Western batikgives a deeper meaning to life.

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